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分類業界ニュース 142


During the operation of FL +5°C ~ +35°Cウォーターチラー, the change of temperature will cause the change of condensation pressure.

Especially in summer, the high condensation pressure will lead to the continuous increase of the power consumption of the compressor, the gradual decrease of the cooling capacity, and the indirect deterioration of the circulation of the cold water cooler. It is necessary to properly reduce the condensation pressure.

So, in winter, the condensing pressure of the unit is too low, the hydraulic power of the throttle valve is not sufficient, and the high pressure liquid pipe is constantly affected by heating factors, which will reduce the capacity of the throttle valve, so it is necessary to control the condensing pressure of the cold water cooler.

Therefore, it is imperative to control the condensation pressure throughout the year.

The pressure of the condenser can be controlled by adjusting the heat exchange capacity of the condenser. When the heat exchange of the condenser increases, the gas discharged from the compressor (scroll piston) can be fully condensed, and the condensing pressure gradually decreases;

If the heat exchange performance of the condenser is weakened, the condensing pressure will continue to rise.

For example, the water-cooled condenser can regulate the cooling water flow and control the condensation pressure. Install the regulating valve on the condenser cooling water outlet pipe.

There are two modes of water volume regulating valve: one is a temperature-type water volume regulating valve that sends an indirect signal with the temperature at the cooling water outlet of the condenser.

It has a temperature sensor, which is inserted at the condensate outlet. When the water temperature rises, the valve opens wide;

Close the valve when the water temperature decreases. The other is the pressure-type water volume regulating valve that sends a signal directly from the condenser pressure, which leads out the pressure signal from the condenser.

When the condensing pressure gradually increases, the valve opens wider; When the condensing pressure decreases, the valve will be closed, thus changing the cooling water flow of the condenser.

There is also a special case: the water-cooled condenser adopts the cooling water circulation system of the cooling tower.

In order to prevent the condensation pressure from being too low, it can use the water bypass valve to adjust, which makes part of the water from the condenser send to the cooling tower for cooling, and the other part return to the bypass water inlet.

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