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Small Industrial Chiller

分類業界ニュース 170

Small Industrial Chiller


The small industrial chiller is a device mainly used for cooling with circulating water (or other liquid cooling medium). The machine is mainly composed of compression refrigeration system, water circulation system and temperature control system. The principle is compression refrigeration, which uses compressors to form a refrigeration system, and the generated cooling energy is input into the water circulation system, and the heat is discharged into the air; the water circulation system brings the cooling energy to the user’s equipment, cools the related equipment, and automatically controls The system completes the precision control of water temperature and self-protection of equipment.

Small industrial chiller has a wide range of applications. Pharmaceuticals, food production, petrochemicals, plastics production, metal plating and agriculture are some industries that can use small industrial chillers from many manufacturing processes.

District Cooling: Manufacturing equipment generates a lot of heat. Such a hot environment can be dangerous for employees. Covered area cooling units cool the air in your factory, making workers safer and more comfortable. These air cooling systems are also used to keep offices and other workspaces cool in warmer weather. Rental packaged units can cool temporary areas without the cost or expense of purchasing and installing a full-size HVAC system.

Injection Molding Cooling: Industrial injection molding generates heat through friction. To prolong the life of your equipment and keep your injection molding running smoothly, you need an injection molding chiller. Unlike the standard screw chiller system in your home or office, an injection chiller cools a liquid that circulates the area to be cooled, maintaining a set temperature. The liquid can be water, propylene or ethylene glycol, or even methanol or ethanol. Because processes are as diverse as petrochemical production and plastics production, process chillers come in many different forms. The cooled liquid circulates the equipment to keep it at a safe operating temperature or cools it to a lower temperature for injection molding.

Plastic Manufacturing: Plastics are very sensitive to temperature. If it gets too hot, the plastic will melt. In production injection molding, the plastic needs to be cooled to the right temperature in the mold. Cooling the mold requires a small industrial chiller. For extruded plastics, shaped plastics require cooling baths to cool them down. A chiller provides cooling for this bath. For extruded plastic production, the ideal setup includes a second heat exchanger to separate the water used to cool the equipment from the extrusion water. Keeping these waters separated prevents contamination of the plastic in the extruded water.

Metal Plating and Anodizing: Metal plating can be done by electroplating or electroless plating. Both methods require high temperatures. Anodizing is a similar method of reducing corrosion on non-ferrous surfaces. It also uses high temperatures to bond the coating to the metal. Because both anodizing and metal plating require temperatures in the hundreds of degrees, companies that specialize in these processes need a small industrial chiller to remove the heat from the solution. Some users address heat dissipation by sending the plating or anodizing fluid to a heat exchanger, while others will use glycol or aqueous coils to cool the fluid in the tank.

Food Processing: The food production industry is the first application that many people think of when listing small industrial chiller uses. While most people think of refrigerators, small industrial chillers are also a big part of the industry. Glycol chillers send chilled propylene glycol through cooling coils to cool food or beverage storage units. For example, breweries and distilleries often use glycol chillers to keep products at the ideal temperature.





低温チラー (カスタムデザイン)


温度範囲 -25°C ~ -5°Cシリーズ -45°C ~ -10°Cシリーズ -60°C ~ -10°Cシリーズ -80°C ~ -30°Cシリーズ-110°C ~ -50°Cシリーズ -150℃〜-110℃シリーズ
冷却能力12~360kW6~180kW6~180kW4〜180kW2~120kW2.5 ~ 11kW



循環式チラー (カスタムデザイン)

私達の再循環のスリラーは低温冷凍の技術を採用し、温度は- 120℃と低く、さまざまな付属品はカスタマイズ可能です。

温度範囲 -25°C ~ +30°Cシリーズ -45°C ~ +30°Cシリーズ -60°C ~ -20°Cシリーズ -80°C ~ -20°Cシリーズ -120°C ~ -70°Cシリーズ
冷却能力0.8 ~ 30kW0.75 ~ 12kW0.4 ~ 6kW0.2 ~ 6kW0.3 ~ 5kW



室温チラー/小型チラー (カスタムデザイン)


温度範囲 -18°C ~ +30°C +5°C ~ +35°Cシリーズ
冷却能力0.35 ~ 0.9kW1.8~50kW


Chillers for Automotive Battery Test (カスタムデザイン)



温度範囲 -25°C ~ +100°C -40°C ~ +100°C0°C ~ +100°C  -40°C ~ +135°C



1&2: 2つのグループコントロールのための1つの機械。

温度範囲 -40 ~ +100℃ 1&20 ~ +100℃ 1&2





温度範囲 -40 ~ +100℃ 1&2 -40 ~ +100℃ 1&3 -40 ~ +100℃ 1&6 -20 ~ +100℃ 1&6 0 ~ +100℃ 1&2 0 ~ +100℃ 1&3 0 ~ +100℃ 1&6
冷却能力2.5〜60kW4〜60kW10 ~ 60kW10 ~ 60kW7~60kW11~60kW18 ~ 60kW


半導体 チラー (TES series) (カスタムデザイン)


温度範囲 -45°C ~ +250°C シリーズ -85°C ~ +200°Cシリーズ -60°C ~ +200°Cシリーズ
冷却能力0.3 ~ 25kW0.25 ~ 25kW3〜60kW


半導体 チラー (LTS series) (カスタムデザイン)


温度範囲 -20°C ~ +80°Cシリーズ -45°C ~ +80°Cシリーズ -60°C ~ +80°C シリーズ -80°C ~ +80°Cシリーズ
フロー制御7 ~ 45 L/分7 ~ 45 L/分7 ~ 45 L/分7 ~ 45 L/分




Liquid Cooling Solutions For Battery Energy Storage Systems




温度範囲 -45°C ~ +55°C




スクリュー冷凍機 (カスタムデザイン)




温度範囲 +5°C ~ +30°C +5°C ~ +30°C +5°C ~ +30°C +5°C ~ +30°C -25°C ~ +5°C -25°C ~ +5°C

著作権情報はlneya-online.comに帰属します。詳細はメールにてお問い合わせください: lilia@lneya.com


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