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COP (Coefficient Of Performance) of the Chiller

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COP (Coefficient Of Performance) of the Chiller


COP (Coefficient Of Performance) is the ratio of energy conversion efficiency. The greater the energy efficiency ratio, the greater the energy savings. In a refrigeration system, the conversion ratio between the amount of cooling produced and the energy consumed is the energy efficiency ratio, also known as the cooling coefficient.

COP refers to the cooling capacity obtained per unit of power consumption. The value of the energy efficiency ratio reflects the refrigeration efficiency of the chiller and is an important technical and economic indicator of the refrigeration system.

COP is the ratio of the cooling capacity that the chiller can achieve to the input power. Under the same working conditions, the larger the ratio, the higher the efficiency and energy saving of the refrigeration system. The larger the cooling performance coefficient, the higher the energy utilization efficiency of the cooling system.

COP is related to the type of chiller, the type of refrigerant and the operating conditions, and the theoretical refrigeration performance coefficient can reach 2.5 to 5.5. Since this parameter is expressed as the ratio of input power and output power in the same unit, it is a dimensionless number.

Common chillers, COP performance parameters are roughly as follows:

1. Air-cooled or evaporative-cooled chillers (piston chillers, scroll chillers):

When the rated cooling capacity is less than or equal to 50KW, its COP should not be less than 2.40;

When the rated cooling capacity is greater than 50KW, its COP should not be less than 2.60;

2. Piston-type and scroll-type chillers (multi-unit equipment):

When the rated cooling capacity is less than 528KW, its COP should not be less than 3.8;

When the rated cooling capacity is 528~1163KW, its COP should not be less than 4.0;

When the rated cooling capacity is greater than 1163KW, its COP should not be less than 4.2;

3. Air-cooled or evaporative-cooled screw chillers:

When the rated cooling capacity is less than or equal to 50KW, its COP should not be less than 2.60;

When the rated cooling capacity is more than 50KW, its COP should not be less than 2.80;

4. Water-cooled screw chiller:

When the rated cooling capacity is less than 528KW, its COP should not be less than 4.10;

When the rated cooling capacity is 528~1163KW, its COP should not be less than 4.30;

When the rated cooling capacity is greater than 1163KW, its COP should not be less than 4.60;

5. Centrifugal chiller:

When the rated cooling capacity is less than 528KW, its COP should not be less than 4.40;

When the rated cooling capacity is 528~1163KW, its COP should not be less than 4.70;

When the rated cooling capacity is greater than 1163KW, its COP should not be less than 5.10.


For COP of special chillers, please contact us!


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Soluzioni personalizzate per la vostra azienda


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Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: Da +5°C a +50°C

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Intervallo di temperatura -18°C ~ +30°C Serie +5°C ~ +35°C
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Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 1027kW (compressore singolo)fino a 2134kW (doppio compressore)fino a 934kW (compressore singolo)fino a 1940kW (doppio compressore)fino a 467kW (compressore singolo)fino a 497kW (compressore singolo)

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