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Chiller 12kw – Laboratory Chiller

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Chiller 12kw – Laboratory Chiller


In the pharmaceutical and chemical industry, the 12kw chiller is the most used refrigeration equipment, and it is often used in various reactors for refrigeration reactions. In order to maintain the stable operation of the equipment, the precautions before and after starting up the 12kw chiller deserve the attention of users.
First, the 12kw chiller is used before starting up
1. Placement environment: 12kw chiller must keep the equipment vertically upward when moving. Provide a stable anchorage to ensure that the equipment does not tip over. Make sure that the distance between the surrounding walls and the rear panel of the equipment is more than 70CM, and ensure that there is enough ventilation to allow the 12kw chiller to dissipate heat in time under high operating conditions.
2. Attention points for matching connection: check the tightness of the connection pipe interface between the 12kw chiller and peripheral equipment. Enclosed applications with external equipment (such as reactors) need to ensure that the material and performance of the oil delivery line match the heat transfer oil and temperature range. In order to ensure the correct operation of the 12kw chiller, it is necessary to ensure that no air bubbles remain in the system, and ensure that the outlet of the heat transfer medium is connected to the lower interface of the reactor, and the inlet of the heat transfer medium is connected to the upper interface of the reactor. Do not place objects on the device.
3. Adding refrigerant: 12kw chiller will not produce a large amount of leakage for no special reason. If a certain amount of refrigerant leaks due to improper use or after maintenance, it is necessary to add refrigerant again. When charging the refrigerant, pay attention to the type of refrigerant used by the equipment.
4. Filling with heat transfer fluid: water is not allowed as a heat transfer medium. For the steps of adding liquid, please refer to the operation instructions for emptying and adding liquid. When the equipment is in trial operation, check the working conditions of each part for abnormal phenomena and noises.
Second, the 12kw chiller is in use at startup
1. The 12kw chiller has done the above preparations before starting up, and after filling the heat transfer medium and exhausting it, set the temperature and turn on the operation button to start the temperature control.
2. When starting up, pay attention to whether the temperature, pressure, liquid level, hydraulic pressure, air pressure, electrical system, air pressure system, instrument signal and other protections of the 12kw chiller are normal. If there is any abnormality, it should be stopped immediately for inspection until the cause is found out and the problem is eliminated.
Third, 12kw chiller after stop
1. Before the 12kw chiller is running and shutting down, wait for the equipment to return to normal temperature;
2. Power off through the program: click the “Stop” button in the main control window, and after the components stop working completely, you can directly power off.
3. When the 12kw chiller stops working, all joysticks, etc. should be placed in the non-working position, and the electrical control switches, knobs, etc. should be restored to the off state, and the power supply should be cut off.
4. The 12kw chiller needs to be clean and free from dirt, the processed parts are stored neatly, and there is no leakage at the joints of the transmission pipes.
5. If the 12kw chiller does not work for a long time, and the ambient temperature of the equipment should be lower than 0°C, the accumulated water in the system will easily cause the condenser parts to crack. Prevent pipes from rusting or cracking, resulting in damage to the condenser. And discharge the heat transfer medium inside the equipment.
During the use of the 12kw chiller, regular maintenance should be carried out to maintain the accuracy and performance of the equipment as much as possible and prolong the service life.


Soluzioni personalizzate per la vostra azienda


refrigeratore a bassa temperatura

Refrigeratori a bassa temperatura (raffreddati ad acqua e ad aria)

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -150°C a -5°C

Siamo specializzati nella produzione di refrigeratori a bassa temperatura con un range di controllo della temperatura fino a -150°C, in grado di soddisfare le esigenze di refrigerazione di diversi settori industriali.

Intervallo di temperatura Serie -25°C ~ -5°C Serie -45°C ~ -10°C Serie -60°C ~ -10°C Serie -80°C ~ -30°C Serie -110°C ~ -50°C
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 360kWfino a 360kWfino a 360kWfino a 270kWfino a 180kW


refrigeratore a ricircolo

Refrigeratori a ricircolo (Raffreddato ad acqua e ad aria)

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -120°C a +30°C

Il nostro refrigeratore a ricircolo adotta la tecnologia di refrigerazione a bassa temperatura, la temperatura è fino a -120℃ e vari accessori sono personalizzabili.

Intervallo di temperatura Serie -25°C ~ +30°C Serie -45°C ~ +30°C Serie -60°C ~ -20°C Serie -80°C ~ -20°C Serie -120°C ~ -70°C
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 38kWfino a 12kWfino a 7,2 kWfino a 7,2 kWfino a 8,6 kW


refrigeratore d'acqua

Refrigeratori di temperatura ambiente / Piccoli refrigeratori

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: Da +5°C a +50°C

Il refrigeratore può essere ampiamente utilizzato in vari settori industriali e laboratori e supporta la progettazione personalizzata.

Intervallo di temperatura -18°C ~ +30°C Serie +5°C ~ +35°C
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 0,9 kWfino a 50kW


Macchina a raffreddamento diretto


Apparecchiature di refrigerazione a raffreddamento diretto

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -120°C a -10°C

È adatto a luoghi con una piccola area di scambio di calore e un grande scambio di calore.


Intervallo di temperatura -40°C ~ -10°C -80°C ~ -35°C -120°C ~ -90°C
Potenza del compressorefino a 8HPfino a 8HP*2fino a 45HP*3



Refrigeratori a bassissima temperatura a raffreddamento diretto

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -150°C a -110°C

Soluzioni personalizzate per la vostra azienda.


Intervallo di temperatura -150°C ~ -110°C
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 11kW


refrigeratori a vite


Refrigeratori a vite

Refrigeratori a vite a bassa temperatura e a temperatura ambiente

Soluzioni personalizzate per la vostra azienda.



Intervallo di temperatura +5°C ~ +30°C +5°C ~ +30°C +5°C ~ +30°C +5°C ~ +30°C -25°C ~ +5°C -25°C ~ +5°C
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 1027kW (compressore singolo)fino a 2134kW (doppio compressore)fino a 934kW (compressore singolo)fino a 1940kW (doppio compressore)fino a 467kW (compressore singolo)fino a 497kW (compressore singolo)

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