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How long does the Chiller need to be Cleaned?

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How long does the Chiller need to be Cleaned?


After a normal chiller has been in operation for a period of time, it needs comprehensive maintenance. For many enterprises, due to the relatively weak awareness of daily maintenance, after using the chiller for a long time, they have not completed effective maintenance for the chiller. If the chiller lacks the necessary maintenance, it means that the failure rate of the chiller is very high in the later operation.ultra low temperature chiller

Especially for many industrial chillers, after long-term operation, there will be a large scale of scale problems. If the scale cannot be effectively cleaned, after a long period of accumulation, the range of scale will continue to expand, which will directly affect the heat dissipation effect of the industrial chiller. Running the chiller under the premise that the heat dissipation performance is affected will increase the energy consumed by the operation of the equipment in a large range, which seriously affects the stable operation of the chiller.

When actually running the chiller, in order to keep the chiller running safely and stably, after half a year of use, the chiller needs to be thoroughly cleaned. Especially for places that are prone to dirt and need to be cleaned as a key point, rely on various professional cleaning solvents to achieve better cleaning results, keep the chiller with higher heat dissipation performance, and establish a permanent and unchanged environment for the enterprise in a shorter period of time. environment and improve the overall work efficiency of the enterprise.

If the chiller is used frequently and the environment is harsh, in order to reduce the probability of various failures of the industrial chiller, the cleaning time can be shortened to once every three months. As long as there are problems such as increased energy consumption, comprehensive cleaning and maintenance can be carried out for industrial chillers. Proper cleaning and maintenance can prolong the service life of the chiller and avoid various failures affecting the safe operation of the industrial chiller.

The specific time for a comprehensive cleaning of the chiller needs to be determined according to the environment used by the enterprise. If the environment used by the enterprise is relatively clean, the cleaning time can be extended appropriately. On the contrary, the enterprise needs to complete the cleaning in advance to maintain the stable operation of the chiller and avoid various failures affecting the normal use of the chiller by the enterprise.

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