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Reasons and Solutions for the Poor Cooling Effect of the Chiller

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Reasons and Solutions for the Poor Cooling Effect of the Chiller


1. Whether the refrigerant leaks

Cause analysis: The refrigerant leaks in the industrial chiller system, and the cooling capacity is insufficient. When the suction and discharge pressures are low, the expansion valve will have intermittent sound of airflow.

Solution: If the refrigerant leaks, please do not rush to add the refrigerant. The leak point should be found immediately, and the refrigerant should be added after repair.

2. Excessive refrigerant addition after maintenance

Reason analysis: If the refrigerant is added too much, it will occupy a certain volume of the condenser, reduce the heat dissipation area, and reduce the cooling efficiency.

Solution: It is necessary to discharge the excess refrigerant at the high-pressure shut-off valve after the industrial chiller is stopped for a few minutes.

3. There is air in the refrigeration system

Reason analysis: Air in the chiller refrigeration system will reduce the refrigeration efficiency. The prominent phenomenon is that the suction and exhaust pressures increase, the temperature from the compressor outlet to the condenser inlet increases significantly, there is air in the system, and the exhaust pressure, Exhaust temperature will increase.

Solution: It is necessary to release the air at the high-pressure shut-off valve after stopping the industrial chiller for a few minutes.

4. Low compressor efficiency

Reason analysis: The compressor in the chiller that has been used for a long time has large wear and tear, the gap between each component is large, and the sealing performance of the air valve decreases, resulting in a decrease in the exhaust volume.

Solution: Check whether the compressor cylinder head paper gasket is broken down and causes leakage. Check whether the high-pressure and low-pressure exhaust valves are not tightly closed. Check the fit clearance between the piston and the cylinder.

5. The frost on the evaporator surface is too thick

Reason analysis: The evaporator used for a long time needs to be defrosted regularly. If it is not defrosted, the frost on the evaporator pipeline will accumulate and thicken. When the entire pipeline is wrapped into a transparent ice layer, it will seriously affect the heat transfer effect.

Solution: stop defrosting.

6. Filter clogged

Analysis of the cause: The desiccant has been used for a long time to form a paste to seal the filter, or the dirt gradually accumulated in the filter to cause blockage.

Solution: Remove the filter for cleaning.

Siamo un produttore professionale di apparecchiature di controllo della temperatura, sostenendo servizi personalizzati, si prega di consultateci per i dettagli!


Refrigeratori a bassa temperatura

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -150°C a -5°C

Application: Various Reactors, Distillation or Extraction System, Laboratory, Research Institute, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Petrochemical, Biochemical, Medical, Hospital, R&D Workshop, Semiconductor Test, Aerospace, Biological and Other Industries.

Intervallo di temperatura Serie -25°C ~ -5°C Serie -45°C ~ -10°C Serie -60°C ~ -10°C Serie -80°C ~ -30°C Serie -110°C ~ -50°C Serie -150°C ~ -110°C
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 360kWfino a 360kWfino a 360kWfino a 270kWfino a 180kWfino a 11kW


Refrigeratori a ricircolo

Temperature Control Range: -120°C to 30°C

Application: Various Reactors, Distillation or Extraction System, Laboratory, Research Institute, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Petrochemical, Biochemical, Medical, Hospital, R&D Workshop, Semiconductor Test, Aerospace, Biological and Other Industries.

Intervallo di temperatura -25°C ~ 30°C series -45°C ~ 30°C series Serie -60°C ~ -20°C Serie -80°C ~ -20°C Serie -120°C ~ -70°C
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 38kWfino a 12kWfino a 7,2 kWfino a 7,2 kWfino a 8,6 kW


Normal Temperature Chillers

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: Da +5°C a +50°C

Application: Various Reactors, Distillation or Extraction System, Laboratory, Research Institute, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Petrochemical, Biochemical, Medical, Hospital, R&D Workshop, Semiconductor Test, Aerospace, Biological and Other Industries.

Intervallo di temperatura -18°C ~ +30°C +5°C ~ +50°C series
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 0,9 kWfino a 50kW

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