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Chillers for Photovoltaic Material Production

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Chillers for Photovoltaic Material Production


When it comes to photovoltaic materials, everyone will definitely think of a more common material-solar panels, which convert solar radiation energy into electrical energy through photoelectric and photochemical effects. We often see it in our lives. Among solar photovoltaic materials, a single Crystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon are currently the main photovoltaic materials.

The manufacturing technology of monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon belongs to the category of advanced modern industry, mainly relying on equipment to complete. Without qualified special equipment, qualified monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon cannot be produced. Therefore, mastering equipment and process control is the key to the production of monocrystalline silicon and polycrystalline silicon. In addition, in other processes of silicon wafer production, temperature control is also very critical. For example, in the acid etching texturing technology, a suitable temperature is conducive to forming a textured structure on the surface of the silicon wafer, improving the electrical properties of the silicon wafer, and increasing the electrical conversion efficiency.

It has been found through research that when the body temperature of the acid etching solution is controlled at 15-22°C, the battery conversion efficiency is the highest. This process needs to be cooled by a chiller to control the temperature of the acid etching solution within the range required by the process to maximize the battery conversion efficiency. Our water chillers have multiple advantages especially in the production of photovoltaic materials. Imported brand compressors ensure high-efficiency refrigeration performance and stable operation. They are very suitable for cooling acid corrosion devices and are stable in the temperature range required by the process. In addition, in terms of corrosion resistance of equipment, our company can provide solutions such as titanium tubes/brass/aluminum materials, and select and customize materials according to the corrosion resistance requirements of customers’ actual processes to create value for customers.

The water chiller not only provides a constant temperature environment for the performance improvement of photovoltaic materials, but also plays its due role in controlling the temperature of the equipment, which is manifested in the cooling of the walls of single crystal furnaces and synthesis furnaces, up to thousands of degrees Celsius High temperature will lead to deformation of the cavity, and even cause accidents, so the cooling circulating water system of the reaction equipment is an important plan.


Soluciones personalizadas para su empresa


refrigerador de baja temperatura

Refrigeradores de baja temperatura (por agua y por aire)

Rango de control de temperatura: -150°C a -5°C

Estamos especializados en la producción de refrigeradores de baja temperatura con un rango de control de temperatura de hasta -150°C, que pueden satisfacer las necesidades de refrigeración de diferentes industrias.

Temperatura Serie -25°C ~ -5°C Serie -45°C ~ -10°C Serie -60°C ~ -10°C Serie -80°C ~ -30°C Serie -110°C ~ -50°C
Capacidad de refrigeraciónhasta 360 kWhasta 360 kWhasta 360 kWhasta 270 kWhasta 180 kW


enfriador de recirculación

Enfriadoras de recirculación (Refrigeración por agua y por aire)

Rango de control de temperatura: -120°C a +30°C

Nuestro enfriador de recirculación adopta tecnología de refrigeración de baja temperatura, la temperatura es tan baja como -120℃, y varios accesorios son personalizables.

Temperatura Serie -25°C ~ +30°C Serie -45°C ~ +30°C Serie -60°C ~ -20°C Serie -80°C ~ -20°C Serie -120°C ~ -70°C
Capacidad de refrigeraciónhasta 38 kWhasta 12 kWhasta 7,2 kWhasta 7,2 kWhasta 8,6 kW


enfriador de agua

Refrigeradores de temperatura ambiente / Refrigeradores pequeños

Rango de control de temperatura: +5°C a +50°C

El enfriador puede utilizarse ampliamente en diversas industrias y laboratorios, y admite diseños personalizados.

Temperatura -18°C ~ +30°C Serie +5°C ~ +35°C
Capacidad de refrigeraciónhasta 0,9 kWhasta 50 kW


Máquina de refrigeración directa


Equipos frigoríficos de refrigeración directa

Rango de control de temperatura: -120°C a -10°C

Es adecuado para lugares con poca superficie de intercambio de calor y gran intercambio de calor.


Temperatura -40°C ~ -10°C -80°C ~ -35°C -120°C ~ -90°C
Potencia del compresorhasta 8CVhasta 8CV*2hasta 45 CV*3



Enfriadoras de temperatura ultrabaja de refrigeración directa

Rango de control de temperatura: -150°C a -110°C

Soluciones personalizadas para su empresa.


Temperatura -150°C ~ -110°C
Capacidad de refrigeraciónhasta 11 kW


refrigeradores de tornillo


Refrigeradores de tornillo

Refrigeradores de tornillo de baja temperatura y refrigeradores de tornillo a temperatura ambiente

Soluciones personalizadas para su empresa.



Temperatura +5°C ~ +30°C +5°C ~ +30°C +5°C ~ +30°C +5°C ~ +30°C -25°C ~ +5°C -25°C ~ +5°C
Capacidad de refrigeraciónhasta 1027 kW (compresor único)hasta 2134 kW (compresor doble)hasta 934 kW (compresor único)hasta 1940 kW (compresor doble)hasta 467 kW (compresor único)hasta 497 kW (compresor único)

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palabras clave:Alegría embotellada enfriador de agua