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Liquid Cooling System for Battery

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Liquid Cooling System for Battery

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The cooling system of new energy vehicles includes power system cooling and power supply system cooling. The cooling of the power system is to cool the drive motor, controller, DC/DC and other related components, while the cooling of the power system is to cool the power battery and vehicle charger. During the charging and discharging process of the power battery, chemical energy is converted into electrical energy, and then the electrical energy is converted into kinetic energy. Since the conversion of energy generates heat energy, when the heat energy cannot be released in time, the temperature around the power battery will increase, thus affecting the physical stability of the lithium battery and reducing its performance.


Liquid Cooling System for Battery

How battery liquid cooling systems work?

1. Radiator

The radiator in the battery liquid cooling system is the core component of the entire system. The radiator absorbs the heat generated in the battery by circulating fluid and dissipates it to the external environment. Radiators are usually made of aluminum and have good heat dissipation properties.

2. Liquid circulation

Liquid circulation in the battery liquid cooling system is achieved by pumps. The liquid flows out of the battery, passes through the radiator to dissipate heat, and then flows back into the battery. The speed and flow of liquid circulation can be adjusted by controlling the speed of the pump to achieve the best heat dissipation effect.

3. Temperature sensor

The temperature sensor in the battery liquid cooling system is used to monitor the temperature of the battery. When the battery temperature is too high, the temperature sensor will send a signal to the control system, and the control system will automatically adjust the speed and flow of liquid circulation to achieve the best heat dissipation effect.

4.Control system

The control system in the battery liquid cooling system is the brain of the entire system. The control system controls the speed and flow of liquid circulation by monitoring the signal of the temperature sensor to achieve the best heat dissipation effect. The control system also monitors the battery’s charge and status and charges or discharges it as needed.
The battery liquid cooling system is a system that cools the battery through liquid circulation. Its core component is the radiator. The liquid circulation is achieved through a pump. The temperature sensor is used to monitor the temperature of the battery. The control system monitors the signal of the temperature sensor. Control the speed and flow of liquid circulation to achieve the best heat dissipation effect. The emergence of battery liquid cooling systems has provided strong support for the development of electric vehicles and has also brought more convenience to our lives.


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