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How does the Chiller Avoid the Corrosion of Acidic Chemicals?

KlassifizierungIndustrie-Nachrichten 267

How does the Chiller Avoid the Corrosion of Acidic Chemicals?


Acid corrosion is a chemical phenomenon that damages chiller equipment. The following LNEYA Refrigeration will share with you how industrial chillers can avoid corrosion of equipment by acidic chemicals and prolong the service life of equipment.

Why does the chiller appear corrosion?

industrielles Kaltwassersatzsystem

The main reason that generally affects the service life of industrial chillers is due to the serious corrosion problems of the equipment. If the environment used is harsh and there are many acidic substances, it will inevitably lead to various corrosions of industrial chillers. Once an accident occurs, as long as the key parts are involved, various failures will occur in the industrial chiller, which will affect the normal operation.

The hazards of corrosion in chillers:

Acidic chemicals can easily cause damage to the appearance and internal structure of the internal components of the chiller. Especially in a humid environment, if the acidic substance does not undergo any treatment in a short period of time, it will cause serious corrosion problems on the surface of the industrial chiller. If the surface corrosion is not controlled, the corrosion range will continue to expand until it affects the normal operation of the equipment.

In industrial production, how to avoid acidic chemicals corroding chillers? What are the measures to prevent acid corrosion?

In order to avoid corrosion failures, it is necessary to carry out regular and comprehensive cleaning for industrial chillers. Even in a highly acidic environment, as long as the industrial chiller is cleaned regularly, acidic substances will not cause the industrial chiller to malfunction. If the surface and internal acid and alkali can be balanced, it will not affect the normal operation of the industrial chiller. Providing a suitable operating environment is crucial. The use of industrial chillers in harsh working environments will inevitably be affected by various corrosive substances. In order to better complete the entire production process, the acid and alkali of the operating environment can meet the equipment operating standards, and the influence of various acidic substances can be avoided.

If the environment is highly acidic, the industrial cooling water unit needs to be cleaned regularly. It can ensure that the external and internal acid and alkali standards of the industrial chiller meet the standard of PH equal to 7, so that the industrial chiller can operate in a medium-capacity environment without affecting the service life of the industrial chiller due to excessive acidity, and even causing a large number of failures . Maintaining the acid-base balance of the environment is conducive to improving the working efficiency of industrial chillers and reducing the impact of various failures on their working range.

The range of industrial chillers varies depending on the environment. As long as the operating environment can be kept free from acidic substances, various corrosion failures will not occur. Preventing the influence of corrosive materials can prolong the service life of the chiller and reduce its failure rate, thereby reducing the maintenance cost of the enterprise in the later stage.

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Schlüsselwörter:Freude in Flaschen Kaltwassersatz