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Reasons and Solutions for the Low Suction Pressure of the Chiller

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Reasons and Solutions for the Low Suction Pressure of the Chiller


What is the reason for the low suction pressure of the chiller? How to solve this problem? In fact, there are many reasons why the suction pressure of the chiller is too low. The following LNEYA chiller manufacturer will introduce the reasons for the low suction pressure of the chiller and Solution.

Because the cooling water in the chiller is an open circulation loop, the tap water generally used is circulated through the cooling tower. When the content of calcium salt and magnesium salt in the water is large, it is easy to decompose and deposit on the cooling water pipe to form scale, which affects the heat transfer effect. If the scale is too thick, the cooling water circulation section will be reduced, the water volume will be reduced, and the condensing pressure will increase. Therefore, when the quality of the cooling water used is poor, the user should clean the cooling water pipes at least once a year to remove scale and other pollutants in the pipes and prevent the pipes from being blocked.

1. The refrigerant filter is clogged. It is recommended that the user clean or replace the filter regularly.

2. The expansion valve is improperly adjusted or malfunctions. It is necessary to make adjustments or troubleshooting, and replace the expansion valve with a new one if necessary.

3. Excess lubricating oil circulates in the chiller refrigeration system. It is recommended that the user find out the reason and reduce the lubricating oil to an appropriate value.

4. The inlet water temperature of the evaporator is too low. Increase the inlet water temperature setpoint.

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низкотемпературный охладитель воды

Водяные охладители

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -150°C до +50°C



система охлаждения и отопления

Системы динамического контроля температуры

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -120°C до +350°C




система охлаждения аккумулятора

Автомобильные испытательные охладители

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -40°C до +100°C




охладитель для испытаний полупроводников

Охладители для испытаний полупроводников

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -85°C до +250°C




промышленный морозильник

Промышленные холодильники

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -150°C до -10°C

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ключевые слова:Бутылочная радость охладитель воды