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  • 418 Refrigeradores de água

      How to Choose the Most Suitable Chiller?   Today, many factories have more and more demand for industrial chillers, but the parameters and performance of chillers on the market are different. How do we choose the most suitable chiller for us? Next, I will introduce you to the key points of purchasing industrial chillers. […]

  • 384 Refrigeradores de água

      What are the Cooling Types of Chillers?   Industrial chillers produced by chiller manufacturers can generally be divided into air-cooled chillers and water-cooled chillers. The body of the air-cooled chiller contains an insulating water tank and a water pump, so there is no need to add a cooling water tower to dissipate heat. It […]

  • 390 Refrigeradores de água

      What are the Main Components of the Chiller?   When operating a chiller, we can see that it is an integral chiller, so what are its main structural components? 1. Evaporator What takes place in the evaporator is the process of changing the liquid refrigerant into a gaseous state, that is, vaporization. During the […]

  • 654 Refrigeradores de água

      What is the Working Principle of the Chiller?   The basic working principle of the industrial chiller is that the vapor is refrigerated by compression, that is, the principle analysis of the heat absorption when different liquid refrigerants vaporize and the heat release when the vapor condenses is used to study refrigeration. In refrigeration […]
