검색 모두 검색

매우 역동적인 온도 제어 회로 타이포그래피 워크샵

분류사장님 말씀 리소스 464

매우 역동적인 온도 제어 회로 타이포그래피 워크샵

This is the working area of LNEYA’s electrical, typesetting and wiring

Do a series of tasks for the electrical cabinet through wire numbering, etc.

In addition to the establishment of ERP\MAC, the equipment management system

After the production and distribution of accessories, auxiliary machines are also placed on site

Collar accessories, drawings, etc. can be reflected on the auxiliary machine

Including our three-dimensional map can be achieved

The material is scanned by scanning the QR code of the bill of material

Just know what accessories to get, who is the recipient, and who is responsible for the operation

Can be tracked through barcode management

Realize that every step from material to product is traceable

저작권 정보는 lneya-online.com에 귀속되며 자세한 내용은 이메일로 문의하시기 바랍니다: lilia@lneya.com

또는 아래의 WhatsApp 또는 WeChat QR 코드를 스캔하여 문의하세요. 

왓츠앱 위챗


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