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What is a Reciprocating Chiller?

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What is a Reciprocating Chiller?


Reciprocating chillers use pistons and chambers to create pressure in the refrigerant. They can have a sealed construction or an open construction, which seals all components in one unit. Since the reciprocating unit functions like a car engine, it requires regular maintenance. But these types of refrigeration are becoming less common as more efficient refrigeration technologies have been replacing the equipment, at least in commercial refrigeration these types are slowly being phased out. But the device remains popular in industrial refrigeration. The unit features a very powerful and reliable compressor that will work and run forever with proper maintenance. But reciprocating chillers have many moving parts, so they can be expensive to operate. In a reciprocating chiller, the refrigerant typically passes through an electric motor to demonstrate cooling of the electrical coils, and then enters the compression chamber. The piston sits on the crank and moves up and down. As it moves, it compresses the refrigerant into the chamber, and at intervals, the refrigerant will leave at high pressure. For a given cooling capacity, the upfront cost of reciprocating compressors will be lower than centrifugal and screw compressors. They also offer design flexibility, allowing multiple units to be installed together to serve variable cooling loads, and individual equipment units can be activated or deactivated as needed. The main limitations of reciprocating compressors are their lower energy efficiency and required maintenance compared to other types of compressors. Also, while these compressors allow for good capacity control when using multiple units.

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Refrigeratori d'acqua

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -150°C a +50°C



Sistemi di controllo dinamico della temperatura

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -120°C a +350°C




Refrigeratori di prova per automobili

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -40°C a +100°C




Refrigeratori di prova per semiconduttori

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -85°C a +250°C




Frigoriferi industriali

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -150°C a -10°C


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