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What are the Types of Throttle Valves for Chillers?

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What are the Types of Throttle Valves for Chillers?


Commonly used throttle valves for chillers include capillary tubes, manual throttle valves, thermal expansion valves, and floating ball control valves. The capillary has no adjustment function, and the other three kinds of throttle valves can also adjust the flow of the refrigerant entering the chiller evaporator to adapt to the change of the cooling load, so as to achieve the purpose of adjusting the cooling capacity. The following is a brief introduction to the three common throttle valves of chillers:

1. Manual throttle valve

This is the oldest throttle valve. It is mostly used in ammonia refrigeration equipment, and the flow area of ​​the valve hole is adjusted manually to change the liquid supply to the evaporator. Usually in the Freon refrigeration system of industrial chillers, the manual throttle valve is installed on the bypass pipeline as a backup valve for the maintenance of the automatic throttle structure.

2. Float control valve

This is a regulating valve that controls the flow according to the change of the liquid level, which plays the role of throttling, reducing pressure and controlling the liquid level. It is an automatic adjustment throttle valve, which is often used for automatic adjustment of the liquid supply of evaporators, gas-liquid separators and intercoolers with free liquid surface. At present it is mainly used in ammonia refrigeration equipment.

3. Thermal expansion valve

With the change of the refrigerant temperature at the outlet of the evaporator, through the function of the temperature sensing mechanism, the opening degree of the valve is automatically adjusted to control the refrigerant flow. The thermal expansion valve is mainly composed of a valve body, a temperature sensing package and a capillary tube. It is suitable for evaporators without free liquid surface, such as dry evaporators, coil evaporators and coil intercoolers. It is the most commonly used throttle valve for chillers.

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