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Quali sono i componenti principali del refrigeratore?

ClassificazioneRefrigeratori d'acqua 254


Quali sono i componenti principali del refrigeratore?


When operating a chiller, we can see that it is an integral chiller, so what are its main structural components?

1. Evaporator

What takes place in the evaporator is the process of changing the liquid refrigerant into a gaseous state, that is, vaporization. During the vaporization process, a large amount of heat needs to be absorbed. It is this process that cools the water that has absorbed the heat, and turns it into cold water again to participate in the next cycle of cooling.

2. Compressore

The compressor is the most important part of the whole equipment. The gaseous refrigerant vaporized in the evaporator is compressed in the compressor, and its volume is extremely reduced. The temperature and pressure of the gaseous refrigerant are greatly increased. The pressure of the compressor can be operated by the pressure controller.

3. Condenser

The gaseous refrigerant that has become high temperature and high pressure in the compressor reaches the condenser and is condensed and liquefied, releasing a large amount of heat and changing back to liquid refrigerant. The released heat is taken away and released by the cooling fan of the condenser or the cold water of the cooling tower.

4. Expansion valve

The expansion valve is a throttling and pressure reducing structure, which mainly converts the condensation pressure into the evaporation pressure through the process of adiabatic expansion.

The structural parts in the chiller can be roughly divided into the above four parts, which are also the most important parts. If any part is damaged, it will affect the overall use effect of the equipment. Therefore, regular maintenance must be paid during the use of the chiller. maintainance.

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Refrigeratori a bassa temperatura

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -150°C a -5°C

Application: Various Reactors, Distillation or Extraction System, Laboratory, Research Institute, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Petrochemical, Biochemical, Medical, Hospital, R&D Workshop, Semiconductor Test, Aerospace, Biological and Other Industries.

Intervallo di temperatura Serie -25°C ~ -5°C Serie -45°C ~ -10°C Serie -60°C ~ -10°C Serie -80°C ~ -30°C Serie -110°C ~ -50°C Serie -150°C ~ -110°C
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 360kWfino a 360kWfino a 360kWfino a 270kWfino a 180kWfino a 11kW


Refrigeratori a ricircolo

Temperature Control Range: -120°C to 30°C

Application: Various Reactors, Distillation or Extraction System, Laboratory, Research Institute, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Petrochemical, Biochemical, Medical, Hospital, R&D Workshop, Semiconductor Test, Aerospace, Biological and Other Industries.

Intervallo di temperatura -25°C ~ 30°C series -45°C ~ 30°C series Serie -60°C ~ -20°C Serie -80°C ~ -20°C Serie -120°C ~ -70°C
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 38kWfino a 12kWfino a 7,2 kWfino a 7,2 kWfino a 8,6 kW


Normal Temperature Chillers

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: Da +5°C a +50°C

Application: Various Reactors, Distillation or Extraction System, Laboratory, Research Institute, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Petrochemical, Biochemical, Medical, Hospital, R&D Workshop, Semiconductor Test, Aerospace, Biological and Other Industries.

Intervallo di temperatura -18°C ~ +30°C +5°C ~ +50°C series
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 0,9 kWfino a 50kW

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