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Water Pump Failure and Troubleshooting Method of Chiller

ClassificazioneNotizie sul settore 386

Water Pump Failure and Troubleshooting Method of Chiller


Analysis of the cause of the water pump failure of the chiller:

1. The overload protector on the water pump communication contactor is faulty.

2. The water pump capacitor is burnt out (single phase).

3. Problems with the water pump itself, such as: coil burnout, bearing necrosis, etc.

The troubleshooting method of water pump failure:

1. Lightly press the RESET button in the overcurrent protector.

2. Replace the capacitor.

3. Replace the water pump (pay attention to the direction of the water pump when replacing the water pump).


1. Before the chiller eliminates the above faults, check whether the power connection lines are disconnected, damaged, short-circuited, etc., so as to avoid unnecessary troubles during repairs.

2. When the machine breaks down, professionals should be invited to check and repair it, and it is forbidden to start the machine forcibly when the machine is dealing with the trouble.

3. Open the water inlet and outlet gates of the switching well according to the dispatching instructions, and close the other gates.

4. Before starting the pump, check whether the connection parts are loose, and turn the coupling by hand to see whether it is sensitive and whether there is any noise in the pump.
5. When the water pump starts, no one is allowed to stand beside the machine. After starting the machine, you should watch the machine for at least five minutes to check the condition of the equipment. If there is any abnormal vibration, sound or abnormal water discharge, you should stop and check immediately.

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Refrigeratori d'acqua

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -150°C a +50°C


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Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -120°C a +350°C


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Refrigeratori di prova per automobili

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -40°C a +100°C


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Refrigeratori di prova per semiconduttori

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -85°C a +250°C


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Frigoriferi industriali

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -150°C a -10°C


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