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The Reason Why the Compressor of the Chiller is Overheated

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The Reason Why the Compressor of the Chiller is Overheated


For refrigeration equipment such as chillers, various problems may occur after a period of use. If you do not pay attention to maintenance, it will have a certain impact on the operation and service life of the chiller. Today, LNEYA chiller manufacturer will analyze for you what are the main reasons when the chiller compressor overheats.

1. The placement of the air-cooled chiller is not ventilated, and there is no ventilation distance reserved for the air outlet of the chiller.

2. The compressor is overloaded and runs over current. The possible reasons are: the cooling water temperature is too high, the refrigerant is charged too much, or there is air and other non-condensable gases in the refrigeration system, resulting in a large load on the chiller compressor, which is manifested as overcurrent and a high-voltage fault.

3. Compressor overcurrent operation caused by electrical fault. If the three-phase power supply voltage is too low or the three-phase unbalance, the current or a certain phase current is too large. The AC contactor is damaged and the contacts are ablated, resulting in excessive contact current or excessive current due to phase loss.

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refrigeratore d'acqua a bassa temperatura

Refrigeratori d'acqua

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -150°C a +50°C



sistema di raffreddamento e riscaldamento

Sistemi di controllo dinamico della temperatura

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -120°C a +350°C




sistema di raffreddamento della batteria

Refrigeratori di prova per automobili

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -40°C a +100°C




refrigeratore di prova per semiconduttori

Refrigeratori di prova per semiconduttori

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -85°C a +250°C




congelatore industriale

Frigoriferi industriali

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -150°C a -10°C

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