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The Influence of the Environment on the Cooling Effect of the Air-cooled Chiller

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The Influence of the Environment on the Cooling Effect of the Air-cooled Chiller


1. Enterprises should provide a clean environment for air-cooled chillers. A clean operating environment can ensure that the air-cooled chiller is free from all kinds of dust hazards. Even if the air-cooled chiller is used for a long time, the operation efficiency of the air-cooled chiller will not be low due to the large amount of dust in the environment, and it has even reached a state that cannot meet the operating needs of the enterprise. Therefore, keeping the environment clean and tidy for the air-cooled chiller can improve the operation efficiency of the air-cooled chiller, and keep away from all kinds of small faults caused by dust, which will affect the safe and stable operation of the unit.

2. The environment should be cleaned regularly. In order to keep the environment suitable for the operation of the air-cooled chiller, after using the air-cooled chiller for a period of time, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive cleaning of the environment and the machinery and equipment. Clean up most of the dust and oil stains to keep the environment tidy. Operating air-cooled chiller equipment in a clean and tidy environment for a long time can reduce the probability of failure of air-cooled chillers and improve the safety of enterprises using air-cooled chillers.

3. To maintain the safe and stable operation of the air-cooled chiller, it is not only necessary to maintain the air-cooled chiller regularly, but also requires the enterprise to take the environment as the key monitoring content, which can keep the environment clean and tidy, and help to avoid failures caused by various types of dust It is very large and can effectively improve the operating efficiency of air-cooled chillers.

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