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The Importance of Regular Cleaning of the Chiller

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The Importance of Regular Cleaning of the Chiller


During the use of industrial chillers, some failures will inevitably occur. Generally speaking, if the equipment failure is ruled out, we need to analyze whether the condenser and evaporator are blocked, and whether there are three major fouling: rust fouling, water fouling, corrosion fouling and so on.

1. Rust and dirt: During the operation of the chiller, the water continuously flows from the seamless pipe fittings or the evaporator, and chemical reactions will occur over time, gradually producing rust and dirt, blocking the copper pipes, and affecting the cooling effect. Solution: Clean the evaporator and condenser, and clean the cooling tower regularly for the water-cooled chiller.

2. Water fouling: This is what we call water (tap water) that contains calcium, sodium, magnesium, salts and other substances, and this type of water is hard water. Another type of water is soft water, which does not contain other minerals (purified water). Generally speaking, the bench-type chiller uses mineral water. With the long-term operation, it is inevitable to produce scale. This requires the user to regularly clean the pipes of the chiller, keep the pipes unblocked, and make the equipment operate normally.

3. Corrosion and dirt: It is different from rust and dirt, which exists independently, especially for water-cooled chillers. Because cooling water is required, and the equipment is open, dust, waste, etc. will enter each pipeline, and chemical generation will occur over time. When the reaction is serious, the pipeline is directly blocked, resulting in poor water flow and equipment burning.

The above three pollution sources will be generated as long as the equipment is running normally, so users need to pay attention to cleaning up.

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