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Operation Steps of the Cooling Water Tower of the Chiller

ClassificazioneNotizie sul settore 139

Operation Steps of the Cooling Water Tower of the Chiller


The cooling water tower is a device for cooling water, in which the water exchanges mass and heat with the air flowing through it, resulting in a drop in the water temperature. It is widely used in industrial circulating water system and air conditioning circulating water system. Next, we will comprehensively analyze the specific operation steps of the cooling water tower of the low temperature chiller.

The working process of the cooling water tower of the low temperature chiller is as follows:

1. The hot water from the main engine room is to press the circulating water into the water spreading system of the cooling tower through the pipeline, the horizontal throat, the curved throat and the central throat with a certain pressure through the water pump;

2. Purify the workbench and spread the water evenly on the filler through the small holes on the water spreading pipe;

3. Under the action of the fan, the dry air with low han value enters the air network from the bottom and enters the tower. When the hot water flows through the surface of the packing, an air and water film are formed for heat exchange, and the hot air with high han value and high humidity is extracted from the top. The cooling water drips into the bottom basin and flows into the host through the water outlet pipe;

4. When the fan is running, under the action of the static pressure in the tower, the water molecules continuously evaporate into the air and become water vapor molecules, and the average kinetic energy of the remaining water molecules will decrease, thereby reducing the temperature of the circulating water;

5. Evaporative cooling has nothing to do with the air temperature being lower or higher than the water temperature. As long as the water molecules can continuously evaporate into the air, the water temperature will decrease. When the air in contact with the water is not saturated, the water molecules continuously evaporate into the air, but when the air on the water-air contact surface is saturated, the water molecules cannot evaporate, but are in a state of dynamic equilibrium;

6. The number of water molecules evaporated is equal to the number of water molecules returned to the water from the air, and the water temperature remains unchanged. It can be seen from this that the drier the air in contact with the water, the easier the evaporation will be, and the easier the water temperature will be lowered.

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