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Dimostrazione del circolatore a bassa temperatura e del circolatore di riscaldamento utilizzato nel sistema di distillazione

ClassificazioneDescrizione del prodotto RISORSE 714

LNEYA cooling heating and temperature control circulator is used in the distillation system. Distillation is a thermodynamic separation process. It uses the different boiling points of the components in the mixed liquid or liquid-solid system to evaporate the low-boiling components and then condenses to separate the entire components. It is a unit of evaporation and condensation. Operational union.

LNEYA heating circulator can quickly heat up to the boiling point, so that the solution will boil when heated. The solution forms a certain circulation flow in the evaporator due to the difference in density everywhere, is concentrated to a specified concentration and is discharged out of the evaporator.

LNEYA low-temperature refrigeration circulator uses single-machine cascade refrigeration to cool the concentrated solution and precipitate solid products, thereby assisting the distillation system to complete the use.

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