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How to Maintain the Air Cooled Chiller?

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How to Maintain the Air Cooled Chiller?


To ensure the cleanliness of the surrounding environment of the air-cooled chiller, regularly check the installation of the air-conditioning device, whether the control center is abnormal, whether the starter and relay can operate normally, and whether the compressor is operating in good condition. The chiller manufacturer believes that the shaft seal should be checked regularly, the water system of the chiller, the heat exchange effect, and the refrigerant charge of the unit should be checked. Check the airtightness of the unit and the interlocking installation of the subordinate components of the unit. When maintaining and inspecting the main unit of the air conditioner, first close the gate valves at both ends of the oil filter, and then use the air pipe to discharge the air into the barrel. As for the exhaust valve, gradually increase it.

The air-cooled chiller is the same as other industrial chillers. Under normal conditions, the temperature of the oil pipe outside the two gate valves of the oil filter should be almost the same, or the temperature of the oil filter should be higher! The air-cooled chiller is the same as other industrial chillers. After the air-conditioning host is exhausted, it needs to stop disassembling with special tools, and then manually check the filter for pressure relief. In the process of removing the filter element, the hands should not be placed on the bottom, but should be placed on both sides correctly, take out the original filter element, clean the filter shell, and replace it with a new filter element.

The chiller manufacturer believes that it is necessary to check the sealing ring, install the filter, open the gate valve at the end of the separator, exhaust for about 20 seconds, and keep the gate valves at both ends in the open state to check the tightness of the filter.

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Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -150°C a +50°C


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Sistemi di controllo dinamico della temperatura

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -120°C a +350°C



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Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -40°C a +100°C



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Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -85°C a +250°C



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Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -150°C a -10°C

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