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Come scegliere il sistema di refrigerazione e riscaldamento?

ClassificazioneSistemi di raffreddamento e riscaldamento 295


Come scegliere il sistema di refrigerazione e riscaldamento?


The refrigeration and heating integrated machine is a commonly used equipment. Different equipment models directly affect the process of the experiment. Therefore, special attention should be paid when choosing a refrigeration and heating integrated machine.

The temperature control range of the integrated refrigeration and heating machine is relatively wide, and the temperature range can realize the temperature control of the fluid system within -120℃ ~ +350℃, so as to avoid the energy consumption caused by excessive specifications. aspect:

1. Working conditions
Before purchasing a refrigeration and heating integrated machine, first calculate the actual working conditions, and then inquire from different companies according to the corresponding working conditions. It is not recommended to ask in the absence of working conditions. Because in this case, the user cannot get the exact price of the device.

2. Appearance and configuration of the device
Different manufacturers have different configurations of refrigeration and heating integrated machines. When purchasing, it should be clearly recognized whether the size and location of the purchased refrigeration and heating integrated machine are suitable.

3. Price factor
The price of the refrigeration and heating integrated machine can be customized according to different manufacturers. When inquiring, users can inquire prices from manufacturers and distributors according to different channels, and compare prices.

4. After-sales service
After purchasing a refrigeration and heating integrated machine, after-sales is a very important factor, and the manufacturer solves the problems of different customers in a timely manner.

We are a professional manufacturer of chillers and temperature control equipment, supporting customized services, please consultateci per i dettagli!


Refrigeratori per il raffreddamento e il riscaldamento

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -120°C a +350°C

Application: Various Reactors (Microchannels, Glass, Jacketed Reactors, etc.), Distillation or Extraction System, Laboratory, University, Research Institute, Aerospace, Automotive Industry, Semiconductor and Electrical Test, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Petrochemical, Biochemical, Medical, Hospital, R&D Workshop, Aerospace, Biological and Other Industries.

Intervallo di temperatura Serie -40 ~ +200°C Serie -10 ~ +200°C Serie -25 ~ +200°C Serie -25 ~ +300°C Serie -45 ~ +250°C Serie -45 ~ +300°C Serie -60 ~ +250°C Serie -60 ~ +300°C Serie -70 ~ +250°C Serie -80 ~ +250°CSerie -90 ~ +250°C Serie -100 ~ +100°C -25 ~ +200°C una macchina per due reattori -40 ~ +200°C una macchina per due reattori
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 3kWfino a 15kWfino a 200kWfino a 200kWfino a 200kWfino a 25kWfino a 60kWfino a 25kWfino a 15kWfino a 80kWfino a 80kWfino a 80kWfino a 10*2kWfino a 10*2kW


Circolatori di raffreddamento e riscaldamento

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -45°C a +250°C

Application: Various Reactors (Microchannels, Glass, Jacketed Reactors, etc.), Distillation or Extraction System, Laboratory, University, Research Institute, Aerospace, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Petrochemical, Biochemical, Medical, Hospital, R&D Workshop, Aerospace, Biological and Other Industries.

Intervallo di temperatura Serie -25°C ~ +200°C Serie -45°C ~ +250°C
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 15kWfino a 15kW


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