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How to Accurately Detect the Oil Pressure of the Air-cooled Chiller?

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How to Accurately Detect the Oil Pressure of the Air-cooled Chiller?



cryogenic water chiller

An air-cooled chiller is a type of refrigeration equipment that is used industrially to cool circulating liquids and improve production efficiency. These liquids can be passed through heat exchangers to cool air or equipment. The vapor compression chiller consists of four main components of the vapor compression refrigeration cycle (compressor, evaporator, condenser, filter drier, thermal expansion valve), which play the most important role in the refrigeration process.

The oil pressure detection method of air-cooled chiller is as follows:

1. During the oil pressure test, it is necessary to observe the oil pressure when the air-cooled chiller stops running, and continue the test after the chiller has been running for more than 15 minutes. If the oil pressure variation range is relatively small, then the air-cooled chiller will have very high operational stability, otherwise, the oil pressure failure must be eliminated in time to reduce other failure problems.

2. By observing the change of oil pressure before and after the operation of the equipment, it can be judged whether the air-cooled chiller is faulty. The less faults of the air-cooled chiller, the lower the operating cost and reduce the burden on the enterprise.

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Refrigeratori di prova per automobili

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -40°C a +100°C


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Refrigeratori di prova per semiconduttori

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -85°C a +250°C


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Frigoriferi industriali

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -150°C a -10°C


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