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Heat Pump Water Chiller

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Heat Pump Water Chiller


Heat pump water chiller is a cycle control system for temperature control. It is a technical system with automatic temperature control function. It can adjust the output temperature according to the actual working conditions to achieve the purpose of temperature control. It can control a large number of The mechanical or electrical equipment is distributed in a system, which can control the pressure, flow, temperature, etc., so that these systems can operate normally, so as to achieve a good control effect.

The heat pump water chiller is mainly composed of temperature and humidity detectors, temperature sensors, temperature controllers, operating tables and other components. These components can control the ambient temperature, control the work of the drying machine, improve the working environment, and make the equipment work better. Bring more convenience to users. The system includes a general controller and a programmable controller, which can flexibly change the control parameters according to the needs, realize automatic temperature control, judge the proportional switch control according to the actual situation, realize the control of the drying machine, improve its working efficiency and prolong its service life. The function is to keep the ambient temperature and physical parameters constant, to ensure the reliability and precision of the production process, and to control the temperature according to the actual situation, so as to save costs and resources, and improve the production efficiency of the enterprise.

In the future, the heat pump water chiller will become an important part of the future control environment. It will cover various scenarios such as swimming pools, restaurants, shopping malls, and family communities. Through the rapid development of new technologies, it will continuously strengthen its ability to resist risks and improve the system’s Reliability and reduce its pollution to the environment. Future development will make it more environmentally friendly, intelligent, and better able to meet customer needs.

In terms of structure, a multi-layer, modular, integrated, and cluster structure will be adopted to make it have better scalability, reliability, and controllability, and adapt to temperature changes under complex meteorological conditions; in terms of gas and flow In terms of control, the heat pump water chiller will adopt a flexible variable flow control system to increase the flexibility of market demand, save energy and reduce emissions; in terms of control, it will adopt an intelligent control system to realize automatic adjustment of fan speed, greatly improving the efficiency of the system. Accuracy and stability, more energy saving. It can be used in metallurgy, electronic information, medical and other industries. These industries have various temperature requirements, and provide temperature control technology without affecting production.


Soluzioni personalizzate per la vostra azienda

Sistemi di raffreddamento e riscaldamento (serie SUNDI)

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -120°C a +350°C

Application: Various Reactors (Microchannels, Glass, Jacketed Reactors, etc.), Distillation or Extraction System, Laboratory, University, Research Institute, Aerospace, Automotive Industry, Semiconductor and Electrical Test, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Petrochemical, Biochemical, Medical, Hospital, R&D Workshop, Aerospace, Biological and Other Industries.

Intervallo di temperatura Serie -40 ~ +200°C Serie -10 ~ +200°C Serie -25 ~ +200°C Serie -25 ~ +300°C Serie -45 ~ +250°C Serie -45 ~ +300°C Serie -60 ~ +250°C Serie -60 ~ +300°C Serie -70 ~ +250°C Serie -80 ~ +250°CSerie -90 ~ +250°C Serie -100 ~ +100°C -25 ~ +200°C una macchina per due reattori -40 ~ +200°C una macchina per due reattori
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 3kWfino a 15kWfino a 200kWfino a 200kWfino a 200kWfino a 25kWfino a 60kWfino a 25kWfino a 15kWfino a 80kWfino a 80kWfino a 80kWfino a 10*2kWfino a 10*2kW


Sistemi di raffreddamento e riscaldamento (serie WTD)

(Micro reattori a canale/tubo specializzati)

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -70°C a +300°C

Design specializzato per il microcanale (piccola capacità di contenimento del liquido, forte capacità di scambio termico, elevata perdita di carico del sistema di circolazione)


Intervallo di temperatura -70°C ~ +300°C -45°C ~ +250°C -70°C ~ +200°C
Capacità di raffreddamentoup to 7.5kWup to 5.5kWfino a 50kW


Cooling and Heating Systems (TES series)

Temperature Control Range: -85°C ~ +250°C

Temp Control Accuracy: ± 0.3°C



Intervallo di temperatura Serie -45°C ~ +250°C Serie -85°C ~ +200°C Serie -60°C ~ +200°C
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 25kWfino a 25kWfino a 60kW


Cooling and Heating Machines (LTS series)

Temperature Control Range: -80°C to +80°C

It is widely used in the semiconductor process to control the temperature of the reaction chamber, the hot sink plate and the non-flammable heat transfer medium.



Intervallo di temperatura Serie -20°C ~ +80°C Serie -45°C ~ +80°C Serie -60°C ~ +80°C Serie -80°C ~ +80°C
Controllo del flusso7 ~ 45 L/min7 ~ 45 L/min7 ~ 45 L/min7 ~ 45 L/min


Circolatori di raffreddamento e riscaldamento

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -45°C a +250°C

Application: Various Reactors (Microchannels, Glass, Jacketed Reactors, etc.), Distillation or Extraction System, Laboratory, University, Research Institute, Aerospace, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Petrochemical, Biochemical, Medical, Hospital, R&D Workshop, Aerospace, Biological and Other Industries.

Intervallo di temperatura Serie -25°C ~ +200°C Serie -45°C ~ +250°C
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 15kWfino a 15kW


Circolatori di riscaldamento

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: Da +50°C a +300°C

Nota: la serie UC può controllare la temperatura del mezzo di trasferimento del calore. La serie UST può controllare non solo la temperatura del mezzo di trasferimento del calore, ma anche quella del materiale di reazione.

Intervallo di temperatura +50°C ~ +200°C  (UC series) +50°C ~ +300°C (serie UC) +50°C ~ +300°C (serie UST)
Capacità di riscaldamentofino a 38kWfino a 200kWfino a 95kW


TCU Sistema di controllo della temperatura dei multireattori

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -120°C a +250°C

Application: Various Reactors (Microchannels, Glass, Jacketed Reactors, etc.), Distillation or Extraction System, Laboratory, University, Research Institute, Aerospace, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Petrochemical, Biochemical, Medical, Hospital, R&D Workshop, Aerospace, Biological and Other Industries.

Intervallo di temperatura Serie -45°C ~ +250°C Serie -120°C ~ +250°CSistema di controllo della temperatura personalizzatoRT+10°C ~ +135°C
Capacità di riscaldamentofino a 80kWfino a 80kWPersonalizzatoup to 300kW


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