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Application of Heat Transfer Oil Closed Circulation Heater in Medical and Drying Industry

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Application of Heat Transfer Oil Closed Circulation Heater in Medical and Drying Industry


Heat conduction oil closed cycle heater refers to a closed cycle temperature control system that provides heat and cold sources for reactors, reactors and other equipment, and is also a laboratory equipment with heating and cooling functions.circolatore di riscaldamento

The pharmaceutical and chemical industry involves many chemical changes. Due to the continuous development of the pharmaceutical and chemical industry, the traditional open cooling and heating tank has gradually revealed its insufficient capacity. The temperature control range of the heat transfer oil closed circulation heater is as high as 300°C, which can meet the needs of most industries for temperature control range. The operation of the equipment is simple, the operation is more stable than the old equipment, the floor space is small, the temperature control is accurate, and it meets the needs of the pharmaceutical and chemical industry.

In the operation of the drying equipment, it is necessary to realize the physical mode of various external temperatures, and the humidity is achieved through the mixing of the drying equipment. At this time, the heat transfer oil closed circulation heater is needed for temperature control and adjustment. The heat transfer oil closed circulation heater can be heated up to 300°C at high temperature, and has the characteristics of stable operation and simple and convenient operation.

After years of development, our heat-conducting oil closed circulation heaters have been widely used in many industries and become the equipment to meet the temperature control requirements in manufacturing, chemistry, biology, physics, laboratories, universities and other fields.

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Refrigeratori di prova per automobili

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -40°C a +100°C


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Refrigeratori di prova per semiconduttori

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -85°C a +250°C


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Frigoriferi industriali

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -150°C a -10°C


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