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Air Cooled Chiller System

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Air Cooled Chiller System


The accurate selection of the air cooled chiller system needs to meet several conditions. When we need to buy a chiller, the selection becomes an important issue for us. If the power is selected too high, material resources will be wasted, and if the power is selected too small, it will not be able to achieve ideal cooling. effect, so how can we accurately choose the right air cooled chiller system? Let’s analyze it for everyone!

There are many kinds of cooling equipment in daily use, among which the air cooled chiller system has a relatively wide range of applications, it can control the temperature within a specific range, and the cooling effect is stable, suitable for use in various industries.

Depending on the industry, the demand for air cooled chiller system is also different. When selecting a chiller, we can select according to the following six elements.

Condition 1, temperature range

When choosing an air cooled chiller system, you should first consider the factory’s requirements for the production temperature. The level of production temperature has extremely important practical significance for the selection of chiller and system composition. For example, there are often fundamental differences between chillers used for air conditioning and chillers used for low-temperature engineering.

Condition 2, refrigeration and stand-alone cooling capacity

The cooling capacity of the air cooled chiller system is directly related to the energy consumption and operating economic effect of the whole unit, which is worthy of attention. Especially when designing a cold station, generally there is no single chiller. This is mainly because when a chiller breaks down or is shut down for maintenance, production will not be stopped. Instead, a reasonable air chiller should be selected based on the production situation. Cooled chiller system number.

Condition 3, energy consumption

Energy consumption refers to electricity consumption and steam consumption. Especially when choosing a large-scale air cooled chiller system, the comprehensive utilization of energy should be considered, because a large-scale chiller is a device that consumes a lot of energy, so for a large-scale refrigeration station for cooling, full consideration should be given to the use of electricity, heat, Comprehensive utilization and balance of cold, with special attention to the full utilization of waste steam and waste heat, in order to achieve economic effects.

Condition 4. Environmental protection

When choosing an air cooled chiller system, environmental protection issues must be considered to meet the requirements of production, scientific research and life. For example, the following should be paid attention to: the chiller will generate noise when it is running, and the noise value will increase or decrease with the size of the chiller; some refrigerants used in chillers are pungent, flammable and explosive; some refrigerants will Destruction of the ozone layer in the atmosphere will bring disasters to human beings when it reaches a certain level.


Soluzioni personalizzate per la vostra azienda


refrigeratore a bassa temperatura

Refrigeratori a bassa temperatura (raffreddati ad acqua e ad aria)

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -150°C a -5°C

Siamo specializzati nella produzione di refrigeratori a bassa temperatura con un range di controllo della temperatura fino a -150°C, in grado di soddisfare le esigenze di refrigerazione di diversi settori industriali.

Intervallo di temperatura Serie -25°C ~ -5°C Serie -45°C ~ -10°C Serie -60°C ~ -10°C Serie -80°C ~ -30°C Serie -110°C ~ -50°C
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 360kWfino a 360kWfino a 360kWfino a 270kWfino a 180kW


refrigeratore a ricircolo

Refrigeratori a ricircolo (Raffreddato ad acqua e ad aria)

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -120°C a +30°C

Il nostro refrigeratore a ricircolo adotta la tecnologia di refrigerazione a bassa temperatura, la temperatura è fino a -120℃ e vari accessori sono personalizzabili.

Intervallo di temperatura Serie -25°C ~ +30°C Serie -45°C ~ +30°C Serie -60°C ~ -20°C Serie -80°C ~ -20°C Serie -120°C ~ -70°C
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 38kWfino a 12kWfino a 7,2 kWfino a 7,2 kWfino a 8,6 kW


refrigeratore d'acqua

Refrigeratori di temperatura ambiente / Piccoli refrigeratori

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: Da +5°C a +50°C

Il refrigeratore può essere ampiamente utilizzato in vari settori industriali e laboratori e supporta la progettazione personalizzata.

Intervallo di temperatura -18°C ~ +30°C Serie +5°C ~ +35°C
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 0,9 kWfino a 50kW


Macchina a raffreddamento diretto


Apparecchiature di refrigerazione a raffreddamento diretto

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -120°C a -10°C

È adatto a luoghi con una piccola area di scambio di calore e un grande scambio di calore.


Intervallo di temperatura -40°C ~ -10°C -80°C ~ -35°C -120°C ~ -90°C
Potenza del compressorefino a 8HPfino a 8HP*2fino a 45HP*3



Refrigeratori a bassissima temperatura a raffreddamento diretto

Intervallo di controllo della temperatura: da -150°C a -110°C

Soluzioni personalizzate per la vostra azienda.


Intervallo di temperatura -150°C ~ -110°C
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 11kW


refrigeratori a vite


Refrigeratori a vite

Refrigeratori a vite a bassa temperatura e a temperatura ambiente

Soluzioni personalizzate per la vostra azienda.



Intervallo di temperatura +5°C ~ +30°C +5°C ~ +30°C +5°C ~ +30°C +5°C ~ +30°C -25°C ~ +5°C -25°C ~ +5°C
Capacità di raffreddamentofino a 1027kW (compressore singolo)fino a 2134kW (doppio compressore)fino a 934kW (compressore singolo)fino a 1940kW (doppio compressore)fino a 467kW (compressore singolo)fino a 497kW (compressore singolo)

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