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Advantages of Box-type Chillers over Open-type Chillers

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Advantages of Box-type Chillers over Open-type Chillers


In the chiller industry, we know that water-cooled chillers can be divided into box-type chillers and open-type chillers according to different types. The bigger difference between water-cooled box-type chillers and open-type chillers is that box-type chillers The machine is more beautiful, delicate and small in appearance. The water-cooled box-type chiller is smaller in size and has a large cooling capacity, and adopts the compressor imported from the world, with excellent low-temperature performance, reliability and durability. Today I will explain the difference between an open chiller and a water-cooled box chiller.

1. Differences in form: Open chillers are mainly composed of compressors, evaporators, condensers, electronic control systems, and refrigeration accessories, while water-cooled box chillers are mainly composed of compressors, evaporators, condensers, water pumps, and water tanks. It can be seen that the difference between the two is that the water-cooled box-type chiller unit can have a built-in water pump and a water tank, and the reverse is called an open-type chiller.

2. The difference in configuration: The chiller equipment is mainly used to provide chilled water for products or equipment to achieve the purpose of refrigeration. Both of these chillers need to be equipped with a cooling water tower for heat dissipation, but because the water-cooled box-type chiller has a built-in water tank and a water pump, the user only needs to connect the chiller to the cooling water tower and connect the tap water to put it into operation. use. In addition to the cooling tower, the open-type chiller also needs to add a water pump and a double-layer stainless steel thermal insulation water tank before it can be used.

3. Different structures: The water-cooled box-type chiller has a built-in stainless steel water tank and a pipeline water pump. It has a beautiful appearance and complete configuration. The main components are protected by a steel shell, which can be placed in the production workshop. It is simple to install and easy to use and maintain. The open-type chiller does not have its own water tank and water pump, and can be connected to an external water pump and water tank as needed. The advantage is that the volume of the water tank and the pump lift are not limited, which can better meet the matching needs of different industrial equipment.

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