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Quels sont les composants d'un refroidisseur à circulation par réfrigération ?


Quels sont les composants d'un refroidisseur à circulation par réfrigération ?


(1) Condenser: During the refrigeration process, the condenser plays the role of outputting heat energy and condensing the refrigerant.

(2) Compressor: The compressor is the core component of the entire refrigeration system and the source of power for refrigerant compression. Its function is to convert the input electrical energy into mechanical energy and compress the refrigerant.

(3) Liquid accumulator: The liquid accumulator is installed after the condenser and is directly connected to the drain pipe of the condenser. The refrigerant liquid of the condenser should flow into the liquid receiver unimpeded, so that the cooling area of ​​the condenser can be fully utilized.

(4) Thermal expansion valve: The thermal expansion valve is not only a flow control valve in the refrigeration system, but also a throttle valve in the refrigeration equipment. It is installed between the drying filter and the evaporator in the refrigeration equipment. The bag is wrapped around the outlet of the evaporator.

(5) Evaporator: The evaporator is a heat exchange device that relies on the evaporation of the refrigerant liquid to absorb the heat of the cooled medium. Its function in the refrigeration system is to absorb heat. In order to ensure that the evaporation process can be carried out stably and lastingly, the evaporating gas must be continuously pumped away by the refrigeration compressor to maintain a certain evaporation pressure.

(6) Electrical automatic control system: The electrical automatic control system includes a power supply part and an automatic control part. The power supply part supplies power to compressors, fans, water pumps, etc. through contactors. The automatic control part includes thermostat, pressure protection, delay device, relay, overload protection, etc. to achieve automatic start and stop according to the water temperature, protection and other functions.

(7) Refrigerant: Refrigeration is the flowing working medium in the refrigerant refrigeration system. Its main function is to carry heat and realize heat absorption and heat release when the state changes.

(8) Filter drier: It is necessary to prevent the entry of moisture and dirt in the refrigeration cycle. The source of moisture is mainly the trace moisture contained in the newly added refrigerant and lubricating oil, or caused by the entry of air when the system is overhauled. of moisture. If the water in the system is not completely removed, when the refrigerant passes through the throttle valve (thermal expansion valve or capillary), the water will sometimes freeze into ice due to the drop in pressure and temperature, which will block the channel and affect the normal operation of the refrigeration device. Therefore, filter driers must be installed in the refrigeration system.

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Refroidisseurs à circulation

Temperature Control Range: -120°C to 30°C

Application : Réacteurs divers, systèmes de distillation ou d'extraction, laboratoires, instituts de recherche, industries chimique, pharmaceutique, pétrochimique, biochimique, médicale, hospitalière, ateliers de R&D, tests de semi-conducteurs, aérospatiale, biologique et autres.

Plage de température -25°C ~ 30°C series -45°C ~ 30°C series Série -60°C ~ -20°C Série -80°C ~ -20°C Série -120°C ~ -70°C
Capacité de refroidissementjusqu'à 38 kWjusqu'à 12 kWjusqu'à 7,2 kWjusqu'à 7,2 kWjusqu'à 8,6 kW


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mots-clés:La joie en bouteille refroidisseur d'eau