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Reasons why the Fan of the Air-cooled Chiller does not Run

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Reasons why the Fan of the Air-cooled Chiller does not Run


In many areas where there is a shortage of water sources, or the air-cooled chiller used for cooling and cooling with mechanical equipment, after a few years of use, there may be some minor failures due to various reasons. It is more common that the fan of the unit does not run. So what is the reason for the fan of the air-cooled chiller not running? How to solve it?

1. The belt is damaged. Solution: Replace the belt.

2. The wire connection is loose. Solution: Check and tighten the wire connection.

3. The fan relay is burnt out. Solution: Replace the relay.

4. The motor winding of the fan is burned out. Solution: Replace the motor or rewind the winding set.

5. The fan motor bearing is stuck. Solution: Replace the bearing.

The fan of the air-cooled chiller is very important. It is the part that the finned condenser of the air-cooled unit continuously exchanges with the air. Once the heat dissipation is not good, it will directly cause the chiller to fail to cool normally.

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Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -120°C до +350°C


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