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Low Temperature Water Cooled Chiller-Cooling Water Circulation System

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Low Temperature Water Cooled Chiller-Cooling Water Circulation System


The stable operation of the water -cooled cold water machine cannot be separated from the steady circular cooling water provided by the cooling water tower to it. Circular cooling water is used in the condenser in a water -cooled cold water machine. The cooling water system will be released from the calories absorbed by the cooling object and the consumption.

The circulating program of the cooling water circulation system is: the heat of the refrigerant released in the condenser in the condenser of the water -cooled cold water machine increases the temperature to increase the temperature, and then enter the cooling water tower to cool down and cool down. The heat released by the refrigerant condense ensures the refrigeration cycle of water -cooled cold water machines.

So what are the main equipment in the cooling water circulation process? If it is a case -sealing water -cooled cold water machine, its cooling water cycle process is mainly the cooling water tower and circulating water pump; if it is an open water -cooled cold water machine, there is a cooling water tower, circulating water pump, and double -layer stainless steel insulation water tank. If For enterprises with strict water quality, it may also be provided with dirt removal, filter, and water treatment equipment.

There are many types of cooling water pumps. Enterprises can buy according to their needs, and generally use standard water pumps. In addition to installing the polluting filter on the imported mana of the pump, you can also set the soft water equipment that prevent scaling to prevent the production of scale in the pipeline system and attach it on the heat exchange pipe wall of the water -cooled cold water condenser to ensure that ensure that it is ensured Water -cooled cold water machines can run safely and stably.

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низкотемпературный охладитель воды

Водяные охладители

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -150°C до +50°C


система охлаждения и отопления

Системы динамического контроля температуры

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -120°C до +350°C



система охлаждения аккумулятора

Автомобильные испытательные охладители

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -40°C до +100°C



охладитель для испытаний полупроводников

Охладители для испытаний полупроводников

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -85°C до +250°C



промышленный морозильник

Промышленные холодильники

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -150°C до -10°C

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ключевые слова:Бутылочная радость охладитель воды