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How to Prevent the Occurrence of Chiller Accidents in Summer?

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How to Prevent the Occurrence of Chiller Accidents in Summer?


In summer, the safety of factory production is very important. The changing climate environment can easily lead to major safety hazards such as fire and negligent operation of personnel. So combined with the safety of industrial production in summer, what safety hazards do chillers have?

Common sense of hidden dangers of 4 production operations of chillers

1. Prevent lightning strikes

In case of lightning strikes and rainy weather, special attention should be paid to preventing the unsafe factors of lightning protection facilities in the factory area. In case of lightning strikes, operators should avoid standing on tall trees and touching high metal objects.

For the chiller room, electrical equipment should be prepared for lightning protection before the equipment is installed, and lightning strike protectors should be added to the relevant distribution lines to prevent the equipment from being struck by lightning.

2. Prevent collapse

It is mainly manifested in the stability of the base of the factory buildings and ancillary equipment rooms, which must be firmly fixed, especially in rainy seasons. The chiller has the characteristics of large single unit quality and large volume, especially the water-cooled screw chiller with large cooling capacity, which is difficult to hoist, and must strictly follow the hoisting plan of the demander.

3. Prevent electric shock accidents

Affected by the large temperature difference in summer, electrical equipment is susceptible to moisture, electrical conductivity is improved, and electric shock accidents are prone to occur. Correct in time.

4. Prevention of fire accidents

If there is a fire in the production workshop or workshop, the daily work should be done correctly with electricity and fire regulations. Especially for the spontaneous combustion and explosion of dust, special attention should be paid to coal powder, aluminum powder, etc. In special occasions, check whether the chiller equipment is operating normally. In flammable and explosive occasions, an explosion-proof chiller should be used, and whether the explosion-proof chiller equipment is in a safe operating environment.


The above are the 4 prevention accidents that the factory workshop should pay attention to. The safe production of chillers in summer must not be careless! Once again remind everyone to pay attention to the operation and maintenance of chiller equipment, and carry out refrigeration production work reasonably.

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Low Temperature Water Cooled Chillers

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -150°C до -5°C

Применение: Различные реакторы, системы дистилляции или экстракции, лаборатории, научно-исследовательские институты, химическая, фармацевтическая, нефтехимическая, биохимическая, медицинская промышленность, больницы, научно-исследовательские мастерские, испытания полупроводников, аэрокосмическая, биологическая и другие отрасли.

Диапазон температур Серия -25°C ~ -5°C Серия -45°C ~ -10°C Серия -60°C ~ -10°C Серия -80°C ~ -30°C Серия -110°C ~ -50°C Серия -150°C ~ -110°C
Мощность охлаждениядо 360 кВтдо 360 кВтдо 360 кВтдо 270 кВтдо 180 кВтдо 11 кВт


Air Cooled Recirculating Chillers

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -120°C до 30°C

Применение: Различные реакторы, системы дистилляции или экстракции, лаборатории, научно-исследовательские институты, химическая, фармацевтическая, нефтехимическая, биохимическая, медицинская промышленность, больницы, научно-исследовательские мастерские, испытания полупроводников, аэрокосмическая, биологическая и другие отрасли.

Диапазон температур Серия -25°C ~ 30°C Серия -45°C ~ 30°C Серия -60°C ~ -20°C Серия -80°C ~ -20°C Серия -120°C ~ -70°C
Мощность охлаждениядо 38 кВтдо 12 кВтдо 7,2 кВтдо 7,2 кВтдо 8,6 кВт


Охладители с нормальной температурой

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от +5°C до +50°C

Применение: Различные реакторы, системы дистилляции или экстракции, лаборатории, научно-исследовательские институты, химическая, фармацевтическая, нефтехимическая, биохимическая, медицинская промышленность, больницы, научно-исследовательские мастерские, испытания полупроводников, аэрокосмическая, биологическая и другие отрасли.

Диапазон температур -18°C ~ +30°C Серия +5°C ~ +50°C
Мощность охлаждениядо 0,9 кВтдо 50 кВт

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ключевые слова:Бутылочная радость охладитель воды