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Система циркуляции горячего масла

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Система циркуляции горячего масла

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The hot oil circulation system is a device that uses heat transfer oil as a medium to heat the heat transfer oil in the heat transfer oil circulation system. Its advantages are good sealing and fast heat transmission speed. Compared with other heating equipment in the industry, it is more energy-saving.


Система циркуляции горячего масла


Due to the continuous reduction and depletion of non-renewable resources, from the perspective of sustainable development, hot oil circulation system has gradually become the dominant player in the field of heat source provision. Therefore, hot oil circulation system is widely used in chemical industry, reactors, rollers, and molds. Wait for the device.

Generally, a complete hot oil circulation system mainly includes electrical control part, heating system, circulation transportation system, etc. The electrical part controls the heating system to accurately control the temperature. The circulating oil pump continuously delivers hot oil to the equipment that needs to be heated, and then returns to the heating system through circulation, forming a complete and independent hot oil circulation system.

The hot oil circulation system not only has a uniform temperature, but is also more scientific and environmentally friendly. It has gradually begun to replace the traditional heating process. It is an environmentally friendly and energy-efficient equipment.



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Циркуляторы отопления

(Индивидуальные дизайны)

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от +50°C до +300°C

Примечание: Серия UC может контролировать температуру теплоносителя. Серия UST может не только контролировать температуру теплоносителя, но и температуру реакционного материала.

Диапазон температур +50°C ~ +170°C (серия UC) +50°C ~ +300°C (серия UC) +50°C ~ +300°C (серия UST)
Мощность нагрева5,5 ~ 15 кВт3,5 ~ 130 кВт3,5 ~ 95 кВт
Примечание: Любой диапазон температур от -150℃ до +350℃ и любая мощность охлаждения может быть настроена


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ключевые слова:Бутылочная радость охладитель воды