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Maintenance and Inspection of Piston Chiller Systems

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Maintenance and Inspection of Piston Chiller Systems


Maintenance of long-term storage piston chiller

1. Drain the cooling water of the cooling system.

2. Drain the lubricating oil in the crankcase, the oil in the cleaning box, the crosshead guide and other parts, and evenly coat all parts of the crankcase, crosshead guide, connecting rod, crosshead, piston rod and packing, etc. High-quality anti-rust grease.

3. Clean the compression cylinder and each air valve, and apply anti-rust oil.

4. Clearly compress the cylinder and piston, and apply clean lubricating oil.

5. Coat all metal exposed surfaces of the unit with anti-rust grease.

6. Take necessary measures to prevent the unit from being exposed to the sun, rain, wind and sand or the erosion of harmful gases in the atmosphere. Prevents loss and damage of parts and tools.

Maintenance of piston chiller after unsealing

1. Remove the top cover of the crankcase, check whether the crankshaft and crankcase are clean, and add the specified grade of lubricating oil according to the quantity.

2. Pour lubricating oil on each bearing, cross head, middle body and piston rod.

3. Clean the sealing ring and apply oil.

4. Remove the old lubricating oil in the oiler. After adding new oil, disassemble each oil pipe, manually inject the oiler, and check whether the lubricating oil can reach each oiling point smoothly.

5. Check whether all important bolts and nuts are loose.

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Водяные охладители

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -150°C до +50°C


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Системы динамического контроля температуры

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -120°C до +350°C


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Автомобильные испытательные охладители

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -40°C до +100°C


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Охладители для испытаний полупроводников

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -85°C до +250°C


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Промышленные холодильники

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -150°C до -10°C


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