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Application Notes for Semiconductor High and Low Temperature Test Chiller

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Application Notes for Semiconductor High and Low Temperature Test Chiller


The semiconductor high and low temperature test chiller is suitable for information electronic instruments, electrical and electronic products. It is an integrated cooling and heating temperature control system. It has a fully enclosed circulation pipeline and automatically heats or cools according to process requirements. For the safety of the application, it needs to be considered Numerous caveats.

1, used in various industries. When choosing, choose according to the size, type and weight of the reactor. The heat ratio of the material in the reactor is closely related to the viscosity.

2. The required temperature is also related to the temperature requirements of the equipment model. When selecting, the size of the clamp or coil should be calculated to estimate the time required for temperature control. to select the appropriate TCU temperature control system to ensure that the experiment reaches the desired temperature range.

3. The reactor reaches the expected temperature range during the temperature control process of the semiconductor high and low temperature test chiller. During the process, some chemical reactions will occur and are easily affected by external influences. Therefore, the layout environment is very important.

4. A series of reactions will occur in the semiconductor high and low temperature test chiller, including exothermic and endothermic. When doing chemical reactions, it is recommended that the surrounding operators do not get too close. It should be known that if the heat is not removed in time during the reaction process, pressure will be generated, and if the pressure is too high, some dangers will occur.

5. Reactors of various volumes can be installed for cooling, heating and temperature control. Reactors of different sizes have different heat capacities and different endothermic or exothermic capabilities, so it is necessary to ensure that equipment selection or size meets the expected temperature requirements.

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низкотемпературный охладитель воды

Водяные охладители

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -150°C до +50°C


система охлаждения и отопления

Системы динамического контроля температуры

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -120°C до +350°C



система охлаждения аккумулятора

Автомобильные испытательные охладители

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -40°C до +100°C



охладитель для испытаний полупроводников

Охладители для испытаний полупроводников

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -85°C до +250°C



промышленный морозильник

Промышленные холодильники

Диапазон регулирования температуры: от -150°C до -10°C

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ключевые слова:Бутылочная радость охладитель воды